We work to inspire a more audacious & sustainable world. We are committed to keeping the good things going, over and over –  and keeping them out of landfill.

Our Core Values

Bring the Sunshine

At B&B we believe energy is contagious. We are committed to keeping our client and workplace interactions positive and professional and to quickly solve problems as they come up.

Embrace Audacity

We believe in taking bold risks and pushing boundaries to build an exciting and innovative company. Our team is encouraged to think big, dream beyond the ordinary and pursue groundbreaking solutions for our clients.

Walk the Walk

We value integrity and practicing what we preach. We believe in being consistent in our actions and decisions, and strive to maintain a high level of consistency across all aspects of our business.

Work Hard, Live Well

We Recognize the importance of finding a healthy balance between work and personal life and we urge our team to live their lives to the fullest outside of work.

Spirit of Generosity

We have a genuine desire to be of service and make a positive impact.

  • Clients: We exceed our clients’ expectations by being responsive, attentive, and empathetic to their concerns and challenges. We maintain transparent and honest communication.
  • Community (Social Impact): We recognize that a strong and thriving community benefits everyone involved and take steps to make a positive impact and contribute to its well-being.
  • Planet: We practice environmental consciousness and actively seek ways to protect and preserve the environment.
  • Team: We cultivate a culture of kindness, support, and collaboration within the organization. We treat colleagues with respect, appreciation and empathy. We strive to keep all workplace interactions positive & professional.